Ioannis Ntzoufras
Professor at the Department of Statistics of Athens University of Economics and Business from 22/12/2015.
Graduate of the Department of Statistics and Insurance Science (1994). He received his M.Sc. in Statistics with Application in Medicine (with distinction) from the University of Southampton (1995) and his Ph.D. from the Department of Statistics at Athens University of Economics and Business (1999). He completed his military service from May 1999 until November of 2000. He worked as temporary teaching faculty member at the Department Statistics and Actuarial Science of the University of the Aegean (2000-2001). In 2001 he earned (jointly with another candidate) the Lefkopouleion Prize for the best thesis in Statistics in Greece for the period 1999-2000 awarded by the Greek Statistical Institute. He worked a Lecturer of Quantitative Methods at the Department of Business Administration of the University of the Aegean for the period 2001-2004, and as an Assistant Professor at the Department of Statistics of the Athens University of Economics and Business from 2004 until 2011. Over the last years, he has been teaching in several postgraduate courses of the Athens University of Economics and Business (Statistics, Business Analytics, and Data Science), of the University of Athens (Biostatistics, and Estimation and Management of Professional, Environmental and Medical Risk) and of the University of the Aegean (Business Administration). He has given a number of lectures in postgraduate courses at the University of Pavia and at the Universita Catollica del Sacro Cuore (Milan, Italy) and at the Ph.D. program of Statistics at the University of Biccoca-Milan. He has served as a general secretaty of the Greek Statistical Institute for 2006 - 2007. He is creator and organizer of the grstats list ( In 2010, his book entitled "Bayesian Modeling Using WinBUGS", published by Wiley and Sons, received honorary mention in the subject of mathematics in the PROSE (Professional and Scholarly Excellence) Awards given by the Association of American Publishers - AAP.